

Flexible Cord Jacketing Designations 線材編號護套

TPT Tinsel Parallel Thermoplastic 27 Tinsel 2 PVC / No Jacket 250
TS Tinsel Service 27 Tinsel 2 Rubber / Rubber 125
TST Tinsel Service Thermoplastic 27 Tinsel 2 , 3 PVC / PVC 125
SPT-1 Service Parallel Thermoplastic-1/64" Insulation 18 2 , 3 PVC / No Jacket 300
SPT-2 Service Parallel Thermoplastic-2/64" Insulation 18-16 2 , 3 PVC / No Jacket 300
SPT-3 Service Parallel Thermoplastic-3/64" Insulation 10月18日 2 , 3 PVC / No Jacket 300
SPE-1 Service Parallel Elastomer-1/64" Insulation 18 2 , 3 Elastomer / No Jacket 300
SPE-2 Service Parallel Elastomer-2/64" Insulation 18-16 2 , 3 PVC / No Jacket 300
SPE-3 Service Parallel Elastomer-3/64" Insulation 10月18日 2 , 3 PVC / No Jacket 300
SV Service Vacuum 18- 2 , 3 Rubber / Rubber 300
SVO Service Vacuum Oil Resistant Jacket 18 2 , 3 Rubber / Rubber 300
SVOO SVO with Oil Resistant Imsulation 18 2 , 3 Rubber / Rubber 300
SVT Service Vacuum Thermoplastic 18-17 2 , 3 PVC / PVC 300
SVTO SVT with Oil Resistant Jacket 18-17 2 , 3 PVC / PVC 300
SVTOO SVT with Oil Resistance Jacket & Insulation 18-17 2 , 3 PVC / PVC 300
SVE Service Vacuum Elastomer 18-17 2 , 3 Elastomer / Elastomer 300
SVEO SVE with Oil Resistance Jacket 18-17 2 , 3 Elastomer / Elastomer 300
SVEOO SVE with Oil Resistance Jacket & Insulation 18-17 2 , 3 Elastomer / Elastomer 300
SJ Service Junior 10月18日 2 , 3 , 4 Rubber / Rubber 300
SJO SJ with Oil Resistance Jacket 10月18日 2 , 3 , 4 Rubber / Neoprene 300
SJOO SJ with Oil Resistance Jacket & Insulation 10月18日 2 , 3 , 4 PVC / PVC 300
SJT Service Junior Thermoplastic 10月18日 2 , 3 , 4 PVC / PVC 300
SJTW-A SJT with Outdoor Jacket 10月18日 2 , 3 , 4 PVC / PVC 300
SJTO SJT with Oil Resistant Jacket 10月18日 2 , 3 , 4 PVC / PVC 300
SJTOO SJT with Oil Resistance Jacket & Insulation 10月18日 2 , 3 , 4 PVC / PVC 300
SJE Service Junior Elastomer 10月18日 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 Elastomer / Elastomer 300
SJEO SJE with Oil Resistant Jacket 10月18日 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 Elastomer / Elastomer 300
SJEOW-A SJEO with Outdoor Jacket 10月18日 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 Elastomer / Elastomer 300
SJEOO SJE with Oil Resistance Jacket & Insulation 10月18日 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 Elastomer / Elastomer 300
S Service 2月18日 2 or more Rubber / Rubber 600
SO S with Oil Resistance Jacket 2月18日 2 or more Rubber / Neoprene 600
SOO S with Oil Resistance Jacket & Insulation 2月18日 2 or more Rubber / Neoprene 600
ST Service Thermoplastic 2月18日 2 or more PVC / PVC 600
STW-A ST with Outdoor Jacket 2月18日 2 or more PVC / PVC 600
STO ST with Oil Resistant Jacket 2月18日 2 or more PVC / PVC 600
SE Service Elastomer 2月18日 2 or more Elastomer / Elastomer 600
SEO SE with Oil Resistant Jacket 2月18日 2 or more Elastomer / Elastomer 600
SEOW-A SEO with Outdoor Jacket 2月18日 2 or more Elastomer / Elastomer 600
SEOO SE with Oil Resistance Jacket & Insulation 2月18日 2 or more Elastomer / Elastomer <

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